Solventure blog

Navigating Change: Highlighting our CEO's literary contributions

Written by Alfred den Besten | Jul 4, 2024 8:22:32 AM

Our CEO, prof. dr. Bram Desmet, has been an influential voice in the business world, authoring three insightful books that have guided organizations through various challenges and transformations. Today, we are excited to highlight these works and place a special spotlight on the latest publication, Rethinking Supply Chain. 

Rethinking Supply Chain

In Rethinking Supply Chain, Bram Desmet addresses the urgent need for organizations to modernize their supply chain operations in the face of today's volatile business environment. The book reveals how the supply chains designed pre-COVID are no longer adequate and provides a roadmap for upgrading these systems to achieve level 5 maturity. This transformation is crucial for developing supply chains that are not only more sustainable and strategy-driven but also resilient to dynamic changes. 

Rethinking Supply Chain dives deep into the pitfalls of using outdated practices, highlighting the risks of operating with a level 1 capability in a world that demands level 5 complexity management. The book offers practical frameworks and roadmaps for improving strategic planning, supply chain design, sales, operations planning, and overall business planning processes. 

Moreover, it emphasizes the integration of sustainability into supply chain design and operations, examining the necessary trade-offs depending on whether an organization aims to be on par with, differentiate from, or dominate its competitors in sustainability efforts. 

For a deeper insight into these critical transformations, you can download a free sample chapter of Rethinking Supply Chain below. 

A Reflective Look at the Trilogy

Rethinking Supply Chain is the culmination of a trilogy that is set to profoundly influenced the understanding and management of supply chains in modern business. The journey began with Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics, a step-by-step guide to balancing service, cost, and cash, which are the cornerstones of supply chain management. This book introduced the Supply Chain Triangle, positioning the supply chain at the heart of strategic discussions and linking it intricately with financial metrics to create shareholder value. It featured practical examples and case studies, providing readers with the tools to build a strategy-driven KPI dashboard and optimize Return on Capital Employed. 

 Building on these foundations, The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain advanced the conversation by defining a mission and purpose for supply chain management that transcended operational concerns, elevating it to a tactical-strategic level. This work was the first introduction of Integrated Value Planning, emphasizing the importance of strategic choices and their impact on financial performance. It provided practical tools and a 7-step approach to integrating people, processes, tooling, and analytics into a cohesive, strategy-driven supply chain. 

 With Rethinking Supply Chain, Bram Desmet completes this influential trilogy by adding the outside-in view, offering a visionary path forward to achieve greater sustainability, resilience, and strategic alignment as a business and not only a supply chain project.  

All three publications are available on KoganPage and all major print and e-book retailers.