Indaver is a European-based sustainable waste management company, with headquarters in Belgium. The 1 700 employees recycle yearly 4.9 million tonnes of waste in Indaver’s 32 own installations and in partnership with more than 300 treatment suppliers and carriers. For its Industrial Waste Services (IWS) business line, Indaver experienced a disbalance between the demand and the treatment capacity. To get more focus on Customer Segmentation, Demand and Supply Planning and Operational Planning, Indaver started to work together with Solventure. Annick Van Driessen, International Director Supply Chain Operations, gives us the story.
Which challenges have you solved while working together with Solventure?
We were under price pressure in a highly competitive market and had to manage an increasingly complex service portfolio. We had a quite good view on the long-term Operational Planning and the yearly budgeting, but there was no structural Demand Planning or Rough Cut Capacity Planning. With such a set-up, it turns out that the operational planners had to fix too many planning issues and were clearly overloaded with work. By implementing a well-functioning tactical layer and optimizing the operational layer, we brought back the calm into our day-to-day work.
Which benefits have you attained with the improved supply chain process?
Today we can foresee issues, which makes us plan proactively instead of reactively. This way, we can make better...
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